The Gift of Help: For yourself & each other

Ep. 4 Become a champion help receiver

Ashley Usiskin Season 1 Episode 4

This episode is with David Wasserman, a good friend of 30 years, a Sydney based Entrepreneur, passionate dog owner, sports fan and cricketer

Proudly independent resourceful and never wanting to make a fuss.

He's had a rollercoaster history of health challenges: Crohn’s disease, stomach surgery, arthritis, and this year an ankle replacementLearn how to walk again

Some themes we cover:

- Distinction from professionally asking for help and doing so personally. And it being often much  tougher to help yourself vs helping others
Being humbled by the abundance of support from friends family and work, particularly recently, which  included a highly unexpected massive gesture of help from a friend to support him on his recovery from ankle surgery.
How  being a foodie and a very proud chef, left him the challenge of letting people cook for him in his beloved kitchen.
Being vulnerable enough to accept help to go the toilet at football matches.
The importance of having team of support and help around you for recovery.
How accepting help has in a game-changing way strengthened friendships and relationships.
New found respect for disabled and their challenges.
Hospitality we are all hard-wired to serve and help.
Nurses are walking saints, dealing with people at their most distressed - they know what to say and lift your spirits.
Can’t do it all by yourself and the power of collaboration.
The importance of self care and mental health.

And at the end we discuss how the simple power of accepting small gestures - a reach out thinking of you phone call, friends dropping off magazines, coming over to have a laugh and take your mind off things.

You can contact me on:
Facebook: Ashley Usiskin
Instagram: @gift_of_accepting_help_podcast